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Blockchain Application
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Blockchain Application
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In some countries, blockchain has been used for years for trading and business, with Singapore as one of the countries. 43% of people in Singapore have assets in blockchain, meaning almost a half of the society in Singapore has adopted blockchain for their daily life.

Moreover, some companies in the United States and other countries have applied blockchain to their business. In this article, we are going to talk about the example of companies that have adopted blockchain technology.


This automotive company has adopted blockchain since 2021. In early 2021, as CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk allowed customers to make payments with Bitcoin which is one of the assets in blockchain in vehicle purchases. But in May 2021, this thing was cancelled because Bitcoin needs a lot of energy to do transactions. Now Elon Musk is still looking for a new cryptocurrency that consumes less energy to do transaction compared to Bitcoin.

2. Myongji Hospital

In 2019, a hospital in South Korea, Mongji collaborated with a local tech company to develop a blockchain-based medical service platform. They have a plan to create a medical information exchange system. This would allow patients to share confidential medical data with other institutions without data stored by any party.

3. Walmart

The biggest retail company in the US, Walmart has adopted blockchain for their product. Walmart uses blockchain technology for its supply chain and stocking items. With this technology, Walmart builds trust with their customers because they can see the process of items they have bought. For example, if a customer buys a mango in Walmart, the customer can see where the mango is farmed.

4. Roblox

Some people might think Roblox is just a game for kids. But the fact, Roblox is Metaverse. The Metaverse need WEB3 to build its environment, which means they use blockchain technology. Roblox and other Metaverse use blockchain technology because it can make the environment independent. By existing advantages of blockchain, Metaverse can have its own server and its own currency without depending on any parties.

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